Jack Irving is an artist and fashion designer from Blackpool, now operating from his enigmatic studio in East London. His visionary creations break the boundaries of imagination and merge fantasy with experimental design. He is heavily influenced by nature – specifically by the figures and creatures of the ocean and outer space.
His unique concepts, known for their innovative qualities, transport the viewer to another dimension, bringing captivating looks to life. Jack’s collections of wearable art reveal the connection between dreams and reality. He has expanded his work into immersive installations that captivate the senses and push the limits of the unknown.
The goal of this project was to create a branding identity for Jack's company that would not only represent his work but to make people view his work differently.
process + experience
Since Jack's biggest inspiration for his work is the ocean and outer space, the universe as a whole was heavily taken into account for the design of the logo.
The logo is combined of two elements: the monogram and the company name. The monogram consists of the letters “J” and “I” that were made using a grid of squares to create rectangular shapes that have a strong structure to them, relating to the boldness of the company. The monogram being created with a grid of squares represents how the atoms of the universe all come together to create life, nature, and existence. The initials were placed at different levels, above and below, to give tension and asymmetry throughout the logo to show that two completely different realms can be brought together seamlessly.
The outcome is a unique and powerful brand with a particular tone of voice, which becomes a very important and necessary element. Through the use of thought-provoking words, statements, and sentences it makes the audience view life from multiple different perspectives, and grapple with the idea of the unknown and the complexities of life. This creates a sense of ambiguity, introspection, and curiosity.
The messages cover topics such as the cyclical nature of life, the search for meaning and clarity, the power of reflection and self-awareness, and the interconnectedness of the world. Some will offer a sense of hope and optimism, while others express frustration and uncertainty.
The tone is something that suggests life is complex and multi-layered, and that nothing is ever exact. It encourages us to look beyond the surface level and explore the hidden depths of ourselves and the world around us.
To further emphasize the tone of voice, the typography and imagery are not always “right side up”. Sometimes it is seen in multiple directions, such as being upside down, sideways, crooked, flipped, and reversed.