Inspired by Guido Molinari, a famous Optical Artist during the “Vibrant Years”, which took place from 1960-1975, was well known for his abstract paintings involving line work. This animation promotes a conceptual exhibition at the Montréal Museum of Contemporary Art, which would feature a selection of his work.
process + experience
Molinari either worked with black and white, or lots of colours, so I wanted to incorporate both of those aspects into the animation and have them mesh together seamlessly. Doing this would also create lots of contrast which reflected his work as well. Even though his paintings were done in the 60s, some of them felt very modern to me, and I wanted to also show that side while of course still being inspired by the contemporary side. Since this would only be shown on screen, I decided to use that to my advantage and choose a more vibrant colour palette than most of his work to emphasize making things pop and stand out.
The result was a very fun, eye-catching, and playful animation that adds a modern twist to Molinari’s work.